GR8 1

CRank: 5Score: 10130

Obviously unless Sony wanna be sued they have no choice but to OBEY the MASTER.

5313d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

The FRENCH have always had disgusting taste so this is nothing new.

5313d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

GOW3 doesn't deserve 10/10 it's not a perfect game:

1. Frame drops to 20FPS
2. 9 to 10HRS game-Play
3. Replay ability = No
4. co-op = No
5. linear u can't wonder of anywhere else except that straight path.

TheMART at Xboxkings

U disgust me so when did u jump into bed with SONY. u are no xbox fan boy so take that xbox out of your name retard.

5313d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

R.I.P PS3 it was nice knowing u...........NOT...........Haha hahaha hahahaha.

5313d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hironobu Sakaguchi how about stop wasting time making wii games and make a xbox360 game how long has it been since Lost Odyssey.......GOD is it to much to ask get a f*ckin move on.

5314d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yummy Yum i wanna rip those Knickers off.

5314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So does this mean i have to walk around wearing 3D glasses when ever i go say to the Kitchen or Toilet or out for a run or even shopping won't that look stupid. These are the reasons why 3D won't take off because people are not stupid. Also when i am a sleep won't the 3D glasses come off.

5314d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Natal = Next Gen

PS3 wand is just pure wii copy and that is pathetic low life's Sony. Sony and Sony fan boys make me sick there is no word to describe what they are.

5314d ago 4 agree25 disagreeView comment

Don't worry droids GDC and E3 is just around the corner and u will be begging there was no xbox360 news. Microsoft are just biding there time and then the fireworks will begin Sony will have no corner to hide.Exclusive after Exclusive games will be announced and a redesigned xbox360 with Natal. Sales will go way beyond Wii and poor ps3 will not have a chance but to announce ps4. Hiphopgamer will abandon Sony and move into new premises at MGS where he'll be a Office Cleaner.

5314d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

All SOCOM games are crap.

5314d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Next Gen starts when Microsoft say's so take that Droids.

5314d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake is truly graphical masterpiece.

5314d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ever heard of Alan Wake.

5314d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

Looks like a wii version

5314d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

On a serious note KZ3 will not have a Standing Chance against Halo Reach which will dominate gaming market for at least 5YRS and if that wasn't bad enough Gears of War 3 will be another head ache for Guerrilla Games. So actually thinking about it KZ3 wouldn't even get it's foot through the door specially when u have 2 big Bouncers standing against the door. (Halo Reach & Gears of War 3)

5314d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

Microsoft are gonna Kick some serious ass. This is the reason why i support Microsoft they are bad man in a good way let loose the Kraken.

Sony is next in the firing line and i will be standing next to Microsoft when Sony goes down.

5314d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

40GB blu-ray Disc and measly 10HRS Game-Play (GOW3)

9GB DVD Disc and generous 15 to 20HRS game-play (Alan Wake)

5314d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

David Jaffe you'll soon change your mind when u play Alan Wake trust me you'll be blown away.

Alan Wake = 720p 30FPS no frame drop what so ever.

GOW3 = 720p 20 to 30FPS frame drops mostly all the time..........and this is the funniest thing i heard: (Sony we intentionally make the FRAME DROP) hahahahahaha hahahahaha.


I guess u haven't heard of BETA the game has improved since then.

5314d ago 2 agree40 disagreeView comment

Is there any Images on the site because I'm banned stupid Sony Site.

Yeah i was giving out some advice about Heavy Rain ending and for some reason they banned me........strange i still don't know what i did wrong.

5314d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

xbox360 version looks great......what was the big fuss about. Damn droids coursing trouble as always as u can see xbox360 version looks heads and shoulders above ps3 version so take that.

5314d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment